
Hybrid cars produce is urgent

Saturday, November 22, 2014

In order to prepare and facilitate the marketing of fuel-efficient cars and high-tech environmentally friendly, such as electric and hybrid cars. The government in this case the Ministry of Industry ready to implement the regulation.
hybrid cars 450x325 Hybrid cars produce is urgent
hybrid cars
Hybrid cars produce is urgent
“Regarding the hybrid and electric cars, I’ve assigned the Director General to open the lines with them before reporting to the BKM. Needs us to produce it is urgent, so I will soon prepare regulations to be proposed to the government soon,” said Minister of Industry, MS Hidayat.
Further MS Hidayat said, when it’s already time for Indonesia to be seriously thinking about product development Low Carbon Emission (LCE), either hybrid cars, electric car, and gas. The program itself is already listed in the LEC program set forth in Regulation No. 41 of 2013.
“If you speak the hybrid technology is still expensive 40 percent of the price of a normal non-hybrid cars, and it becomes an obstacle to be affordable. How to reduce the price level that we want to discuss,” he added.
However, when asked about what intensive will be provided by the government to support this hybrid car program, MS Hidayat still do not want to talk about it because it is still being discussed. “If you look at Thailand, this program can be run due to tax facilities, and that’s what we are still learning,” he concluded.

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